Category Results

Patent vs Copyright: What’s the Difference?

3 lawsuits in 2012 resulted in payouts of over $1 billion per each lawsuit.

Your new invention, or brilliant idea could one day cost you that much if you don’t prepare yourself. Even if all that cash should have been rightfully yours.

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How to Protect Against Patent Infringement

So you’ve worked long and hard, burning the midnight oil as they say, and you’ve come up with a fascinating and useful idea of your own. Something humanity hasn’t quite seen before, a product of not just your vision but your dedication.

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7 Patent Mistakes To Avoid on the Road to Success

You have your invention. The next step is to get the patent. As exciting as this process is, getting an invention patent can be costly, difficult, and tricky, for both individuals and startups. It can be very easy to make mistakes, which can set you back on your patent goals.

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The Importance of Getting a Patent For Your Startup

Have you invented a new product which is going to change people’s lives? Maybe you have created new software, an innovative nutritional supplement, or life-saving pharmaceutical. Now the question is this: does your startup have what it takes to be the next big success story?

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8 Tips for Generating New Invention Ideas

You don’t need to be a genius to generate new invention ideas. But, what exactly does it take for you to come up with a singular creation? Invention can’t necessarily be caught in a bottle, but there are ways to set yourself up for success.

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Behind the Scenes at the Patent Office: What Do Patent Examiners Do

Behind the Scenes at the Patent Office: What Do Patent Examiners Do?

Every inventor wonders what happens once they file their invention and send it to the patent office. To most, the world of the patent examiner is a closed box (which can be pretty scary as they often hold the keys to the success or failure of a project), but they have an important job: protecting innovation in our society.

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Blocking Patents Explained

Blocking Patents Explained

A blocking patent is a patent that prevents a third party from the practice or commercial exploitation of a modified version of the the device or process underlying the patented invention.

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So What Exactly is patent infringement

So What Exactly is patent infringement?

Patent infringement. Big word, scary concept. But what does it mean? When you hear about a company being sued for infringement, the important thing to understand is that infringement revolves around the violation of a principle. What principle? Someone reducing the ability of the wronged party to monetize their invention.

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    The Adibi IP Group has built a team of motivated patent law experts working with some of the most innovative entrepreneurs and businesses in the country. We help inventors at all levels, from founders, to engineering teams, PE funds, and executives, achieve outsized returns from their IP. Connect today and learn why groundbreaking companies across the world trust us.