Category Results

Resources That Helps You Create an MVP

With 30,000 new consumer products created every year, it’s hard to imagine how you can find your own space in such a crowded market. There’s also a high percentage of failure for new products, but that’s because most companies lose focus on creating a minimum viable product. Using the right tools can help you create a strong MVP.

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The Importance of Prototypes for an Invention

No matter how good your idea may be, it isn’t worth much until you can find a way to build a business around it. Yes, while there are successful inventors out there who strictly license patents out to companies, they are extremely rare and typically have a pre-existing relationship with an industry.

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Is my invention patentable?

Every would be inventor or entrepreneur has that moment in their life, where with a flash of lightning it hits them. The idea. The one that can change the world and solve the problems that has been facing society for too long!

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Inventors 101: What Exactly is a Patent Attorney?

So you’ve decided to hire a patent lawyer, but you may not be sure where to start or familiar even with what they can do. Patent law is a highly specialized, highly technical area of law that most regular lawyers don’t really understand.

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Protect Intellectual Property Against Big Business

There are few things more powerful than an idea. Innovations and new inventions move society forward. They also allow entrepreneurs to build profitable businesses. For this reason, your ideas are one of your most important assets.

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How to Patent an Idea

Before you go about the process of seeking a patent, it’s important to understand exactly what a patent is. A patent is a type of intellectual property right that the government grants to an inventor over their invention.

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Selling an Invention: Do You Need a Patent Attorney?

You’ve developed or you’re creating an invention that solves a problem, and now you’re ready to reap the rewards. If you’re like most inventors, you’ll want to make money off of your invention while protecting your intellectual property rights at the same time.

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Patent Analysis & News

In an effort to help my clients and colleagues understand the latest in patent cases, I’ve began creating a library of patent analysis and the latest in the patent world. Stay tuned for the latest cases shaping the patent world!

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    The Adibi IP Group has built a team of motivated patent law experts working with some of the most innovative entrepreneurs and businesses in the country. We help inventors at all levels, from founders, to engineering teams, PE funds, and executives, achieve outsized returns from their IP. Connect today and learn why groundbreaking companies across the world trust us.