Category Results

Exploring Patent Terms: Duration and Implications of Patents

In the rapidly evolving world of innovation, protecting intellectual property is of paramount importance for inventors and businesses alike. Patents serve as a fundamental tool, granting inventors exclusive rights to their creations for a limited period, thus supporting innovation and stimulating research and development.

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Patent Pending Infringement: How to Identify It & What You Can Do About It

If you’re reading this article, you might be worried about protecting an invention or an idea that’s currently making its way through the patent process. Or, you might be wondering how exactly the patent process works, and what sort of protections you might be able to expect along the way. Fear not, this blog has got you covered.

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Are Old Patents Still Worth Something?

In the world of intellectual property, patents are often considered valuable assets. They provide inventors and companies with exclusive rights to their inventions, preventing others from making, using, or selling their patented technologies without permission. 

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Top 7 Patent Litigation Mistakes Startups Should Avoid

You’ve spent hours developing a new product that you know will be a success. You’ve contacted other experts to help you develop a business plan. You’re ready to put your product out there. Your crowdfunding campaign ready to go. But have you thought about patent litigation yet?

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Inventors 101: Patent Attorney vs Patent Agent

A dilemma that often arises amongst entrepreneurs, inventors, and the intellectual property field in general is whether one should seek out a patent agent or a patent attorney. Typically the difference in selection comes down to money, and getting what you pay for.

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Intellectual Property Litigation: Everything You Need to Know

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) may issue its 10 millionth patent in 2018. This astounding milestone not only shows how far our society has come, but also underscores the need for a better understanding of intellectual property litigation.

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    The Adibi IP Group has built a team of motivated patent law experts working with some of the most innovative entrepreneurs and businesses in the country. We help inventors at all levels, from founders, to engineering teams, PE funds, and executives, achieve outsized returns from their IP. Connect today and learn why groundbreaking companies across the world trust us.