When To File a Patent

Everyone has had an idea that struck them as the next ‘big thing’. You might quickly dismiss some of these ideas and move on. Other times an idea sticks. Hopefully you do a bit of patent research and think you might really have something that’s never been done before.

What To Do If You Get Sued By a Patent Troll

If you’ve been sued by a patent troll, you know how frustrating it is. It’s more than just an inconvenience. It hurts your business. You probably feel helpless and alone in this. You’re not!

How To Find the Right Patent Attorney

Patenting an invention is a complex and involved process that can be crucial for the growth of your business. Finding the right attorney, with the right experience, who you like working with is key.

Famous Patents That Changed Technology Forever

Famous Patents That Changed Technology Forever

Patents have played a pivotal role in driving innovation and shaping various industries. From the invention of the light bulb to the rise of smartphones, patents protect the unique ideas and technologies that fuel progress.

Should Software Be Patented: Navigating Intellectual Property in Tech

Should Software Be Patented

The question of whether software should be eligible for patent protection is a complex and contentious issue. Software patents are granted to individuals or companies that create original and useful inventions in the field of technology, granting them a temporary monopoly on the use of their creation.

Types of Patent Rejections

Patents play a vital role in protecting intellectual property and fostering innovation. However, the patent application process can be complex and challenging. One major hurdle that inventors and patent applicants often face is the occurrence of patent rejections.