The Most Prolific Inventors That Changed Humanity

The world as we know it has been shaped and transformed by the power of invention. Throughout history, brilliant minds have emerged, bringing forth groundbreaking ideas and innovations that have revolutionized our lives. 

Average Cost of Trademark Infringement Lawsuit

Legal scales and documents representing the average cost of trademark infringement lawsuits.

Businesses and individuals must understand that trademark infringement leads to costly legal battles. The average cost of a trademark infringement lawsuit in the United States can range from $120,000 to $750,000, depending on factors such as the case’s complexity and the trial’s length.

Is Software Patentable?

A software patent is a type of patent granted to inventors of software programs that meet certain patentability requirements. And they are important to keep your software protected against fraud or copy cats. 

The 8 Key Components to Understanding a Mobile App Patent

Mobile app development has become a multi-billion dollar industry, with millions of apps available for download across various platforms. With such a saturated market, it is important for app developers to protect their intellectual property through patents.

What to Understand About Trade Secrets vs Patents

When it comes to protecting intellectual property, choosing between patents and trade secrets can be a challenging decision for companies and individuals. The right approach depends on various factors, including the nature of the invention, the industry, and the resources available.

Exploring Patent Terms: Duration and Implications of Patents

In the rapidly evolving world of innovation, protecting intellectual property is of paramount importance for inventors and businesses alike. Patents serve as a fundamental tool, granting inventors exclusive rights to their creations for a limited period, thus supporting innovation and stimulating research and development.

The History of the First Computer Patent

Originally posted on November 15, 2023 @ 9:30 am The advent of computer technology marked a pivotal moment in the chronicles of human history. From its inception, it signaled the beginning of a new era, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate! At the heart of this extraordinary feat is the first computer patent, […]

Patent Pending Infringement: How to Identify It & What You Can Do About It

If you’re reading this article, you might be worried about protecting an invention or an idea that’s currently making its way through the patent process. Or, you might be wondering how exactly the patent process works, and what sort of protections you might be able to expect along the way. Fear not, this blog has got you covered.