Behind the Scenes at the Patent Office: What Do Patent Examiners Do?

Every inventor wonders what happens once they file their invention and send it to the patent office. To most, the world of the patent examiner is a closed box (which can be pretty scary as they often hold the keys to the success or failure of a project), but they have an important job: protecting innovation in our society.

Blocking Patents Explained

A blocking patent is a patent that prevents a third party from the practice or commercial exploitation of a modified version of the the device or process underlying the patented invention.

So What Exactly is patent infringement?

Patent infringement. Big word, scary concept. But what does it mean? When you hear about a company being sued for infringement, the important thing to understand is that infringement revolves around the violation of a principle. What principle? Someone reducing the ability of the wronged party to monetize their invention.

What Are Provisional Patents? (In Plain English)

Most of the time, the original idea you have for an invention will not be the final draft of the invention that you want to patent. There are details that need refining and time needed for research.

When To File a Patent

Everyone has had an idea that struck them as the next ‘big thing’. You might quickly dismiss some of these ideas and move on. Other times an idea sticks. Hopefully you do a bit of patent research and think you might really have something that’s never been done before.

What To Do If You Get Sued By a Patent Troll

If you’ve been sued by a patent troll, you know how frustrating it is. It’s more than just an inconvenience. It hurts your business. You probably feel helpless and alone in this. You’re not!

How To Find the Right Patent Attorney

Patenting an invention is a complex and involved process that can be crucial for the growth of your business. Finding the right attorney, with the right experience, who you like working with is key.

Bluetooth Patent: The Driving Force Behind Modern Device Integration

Bluetooth Patent: The Driving Force Behind Modern Device Integration

At the heart of Bluetooth innovation, patents guard the unique features and functionalities that make Bluetooth technology indispensable in modern gadgets. Whether it’s improving power consumption or enhancing data transfer efficiency, Bluetooth patents illustrate the ongoing evolution of this technology.

Famous Patents That Changed Technology Forever

Famous Patents That Changed Technology Forever

Patents have played a pivotal role in driving innovation and shaping various industries. From the invention of the light bulb to the rise of smartphones, patents protect the unique ideas and technologies that fuel progress.